Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby safe blanket, wich one?

It would be easy - select for crumbs blanket! Older people say: "Do not break my head over this, that in our time all kids were the usual cotton blankets ...."

We all remember those "safe blanket" in which the baby may have been tightly wrapped only twice, and after this "procedure" mommy breathe begemotiki, asthma, and those of infinite length pink and blue ribbons ...

If you think well, the quilt something akin to "night quilted coat"! So why hide beloved Son, so warm and better, and not to harm the health?

As already mentioned, the heavy quilt is not only inconvenient, but not approved by the medical community because they pose to the child's body a kind of "wrap" is not breathable, not allowing the skin to breathe. Often the baby uncomfortable to sleep under such "armor", he wakes up sluggish, though not relaxed. Adults recognize that if you get used to sleep under the quilt, then later under the more easy just can not sleep.

Not helpful and sleep under a thick duvet. It is known that at night the temperature of the human body is somewhat reduced, baby was wrapped in a "hot" bedding, and after a while, sweating under it, throws it again. Wet body instantaneously supercooled, and the child can easily wake up the next morning with a runny nose (especially if the room window open).

It is important to remember that the organism kids who are prone to allergies, suffers from duvets. A huge body of literature that in a down-feather products at home wound bed microscopic mites. That the products of their livelihoods and cause allergies feel a tickle in the throat, coughing and sneezing.

Manufacturers of high quality modern safe blanket assure that the basic purpose of their products is not warm, and keep the warmth of the human body, ie to perform a unique role of "thermos". This task will be an excellent blanket.

At all times, fur valued for its medicinal properties: doctors recommend wool bedding for those who often suffer from colds, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, diseases of the locomotor apparatus. Wool blankets provide dry heat without overheating, in addition, they can easily absorb sweat and allow moisture to evaporate quickly.

In our country at one time were very popular camel safe blanket, now replaced them come cashmere, but the most valuable are those that are made from the wool of fine-wool sheep (Merino Baby safe blanket). This wool is soft in structure, but due to shallow navel, especially resilient.

In connection with Baby safe blanket from syntepon still subject to debate: supporters say that they are very easy, convenient, well-erased; opponents are questioning the admissibility of synthetics in the children's bed. It should be noted that these blankets are good insulating properties, but they are contraindicated, for example, kids with allergies to such polivolokno.

Separately, it should be said about electric blankets: Be very careful with them! Do not leave crumbs alone with this "device", turn off before go to bed.

When cold, rainy autumn day, without the addition of heating in our homes, darling freeze as Mowgli, I just put on his feet and socks and sheltered on the Baby safe blanket my mother's feather shawl. No cold, we are not afraid!

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