Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Safe Blanket

On the bedding is primarily a safe blanket. It should be warm and easy. Best of all these requirements are met by light blankets. Blanket, too, usually the lungs, but they are not as warm. They are worth taking with them only in warm seasons. Quilt in the marches are not used: they are too heavy and occupy much space in your backpack. In addition, the blanket must be sufficiently large that it covers and legs and shoulders. It is desirable that they could escape with his head. Overnight tourists each wrapped in a single safe blanket, or one of the blanket is spread in a tent on the floor, and the remaining are covered. Usually in a tent sleeping four. Then those who sleep on the edges, is given a separate blanket, and those who are in the middle, one blanket for two. And all four of them sleeping on a blanket, lying at the bottom. When the weather is warm enough, down the stele thin blanket, when the night is cool - the blanket more tightly. Sleep in the middle is always warmer than the edge. So, to those who lay in the middle, you can give a light safe blanket, but it must be broad: under it will sleep two. Those who lay on the edge, we must give the safe blanket warmer. In the middle is usually put those who are weaker or younger, who are particularly tired or wet, who is not quite well. Instead of blankets in a campaign can take a sleeping bag. However, in the middle lane warm summer sleep in it too stuffy and hot, and then it is better to take with no bag and blanket. At the same cool weather, especially in autumn and spring, a sleeping bag is preferable to blankets. It is known that in the bag to sleep in general is considerably warmer than the bed covered, even if in both cases used the same material. It is well known experienced tourists. In those cases where they were caught in a campaign severe cold spell, they make their blankets into sleeping bags and sewed them on buttons with loops, tapes, and more often - simply by joining the edges. After a campaign site can be stitched neatly strut. Most convenient for the summer hiking lightweight sleeping bags, with vatinovoy gasket and zipper on the perimeter: unzipped, before you safe blanket buckled - again a sleeping bag. These bags, blankets can be joined by two, three and so forth in one large sleeping bag. To sleep in a group sleeping bag is considerably warmer than in solitary. Advantages of approximately the same weight - about 2 kg. Another common type of sleeping bag - padded, quilted, with a furrowed along the length of opening, which flap buttoned or Toggle. The top layer is covered with a cotton satin, bottom - a tarpaulin.

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